Showing 397–408 of 569 results

Gas detector + solenoid valve AVANSA 100M

Installing a gas detector can prevent poisoning, suffocation, fire or explosion. The detector can detect gas accumulation before the gas concentration becomes life-threatening. Detection is local both visual and audible. A solenoid solenoid valve is a special safety device used to shut off the main gas supply in an emergency. It can be connected to a leak monitoring system (gas detector) to automatically shut off the gas supply.

Gas detector AVANSA 100M

Installing a gas detector can prevent poisoning, suffocation, fire or explosion. The detector can detect gas accumulation before the gas concentration becomes life-threatening. Detection is local and visual and audible. If the detector is connected to a gas solenoid valve, it can be turned off in the event of a gas leak.

Gas detector AVANSA 150MC

Accumulation of gas indoors (shops, offices, apartments, warehouses, garages) can lead to serious consequences. By installing a carbon monoxide detector, you can prevent poisoning or suffocation. Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is caused by inhalation of this toxic gas. Since the gas has no odor, does not irritate and has no color, poisoning occurs without sensation. If the victim is asleep, they do not feel any signs, and death is numerous in such situations. The detector can detect accumulated carbon monoxide even before it threatens your life.